Am I nervous? Maybe kind of a little bit yes. I've never had surgery before okay?? I've never even broken a bone! Or gotten my wisdom teeth out!
Sam took the liberty of scheduling that in my planner:
Followed closely by:
Yet somehow I still color-coded it. It's compulsive, really.
{it's in orange, my least favorite highlighter. Because surgery is.... well.... it definitely won't be my favorite}
But on the bright side, that's three whole days where I don't have to go to class! And you should see the huge stack of movies I have. Not to mention a Jodi Piccoult I can't wait to devour. Be jealous.
I scheduled some overdue posts to put up while I'm delirious from the meds. These posts are about cool things like 6.5 new siblings, $28 lunches, and two-year round trip flight tickets. Assuming I survive my surgery, that is.... :)

P.S. Chick flick count so far: zero, but it won't stay that way for long...