Last night, during Time To Fall Asleep time, I asked my husband some sleepy questions, which is the only thing to do when it's 12:30 and you have to get up in a few hours.
{Sammy, would you ever consider hanging up antlers in our lovenest? Oh and Sammy, can you take me to Paris one day? etc etc. You know how these things go.}
And then -
"Sammy? Do you think I'm a versatile person?"
And do you know what? He didn't answer! Passive aggressive, I'd say! He just said goodnight dear like this was any old night! Goodnight dear! The nerve!
This morning, when this great injustice finally dawned on me, I decided to prove the world wrong. I am a versatile person! I said to myself. I am!
And just for that, I stuck on my glasses and wore them all day at school. {also because my eyes were a upset at me for not resting them}.
Tangent: second graders are shocked easily. "Ms Emery, did you get eye surgery?? Ms Emery, how come you have glasses on?? Ms Emery, I want to see if your glasses fit me!"
Additional tangent: second graders also have a hard time saying Mrs. It's Ms. day in and day out.
I showed my versatility AGAIN when the lesson plan went in the opposite direction of what I had planned.
The epitome of versatility itself, no?
And then, when I got home, I did something crazy and versatile. I made a double batch of jumbalaya for dinner. Was I expecting guests? No sirree. Was I cooking for all of the Ukraine? Nope. Was I just expressing my versatility in yet another way?
I'll let the evidence speak for itself.
And then, after dinner, I put on lipstick. Bright pink. For no good reason at all. Just slathered it on there and pursed and dabbed and rubbed my lips together like they do in old-fashioned movies. {see? I cross barriers of culture and time. What versatility that trait suggests!}
Husband said "You look weird with that lipstick on."
True. But it was versatile! Right? Right??
Then he had to sit me down {as husbands do} and have a chat with me {as husbands do} about the true definition of versatility {don't tell me mine's the only husband}.
Public service notice: versatility, as defined by Oxford's dictionary 8th ed., does not mean doing random things all day. In fact, the words bright red lipstick were not mentioned once in the entire definition.
But you know what? The real definition of versatility pretty much sounded to me like ADD, what with all the frequent switching between tasks and such.
So I chose to stick with my version of versatility, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, in sickness and in glasses and in bright pink lipstick.