Silver Lining: a different kind of valentine

February 15, 2012

a different kind of valentine

Yesterday, that day for lovers and nice things, I got sick. Sick like Sam was last week. I'm such a baby. I curled up on the bed crying.

I said, "But it's Valentine's Day. What about that dinner I was planning?"

He said, "We'll have it later." And so many sweet things.

He moved my roses onto the windowsill so I could look at them.

I said, "They remind me of when you engaged me."

He said, "I was thinking the same thing."

He rubbed my back.

I said, "Don't do that. You're hands are too cold."

And so we passed our Valentine's Day. He in the kitchen doing homework, I sleeping fitfully on our bed.

He's so good at taking care of me, even on Valentine's Day when I get sick and we have to cancel all our plans.

And I know it's silly, but we even have a private blog, where I keep track of all the little things he does for me. I even text updates to our blog, right when something happens, so I don't forget. He is amazing. 

Happy Valentine's Day, my love. Thank you for loving me even when things don't go according to plan. Especially when things don't go according to plan.

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