Silver Lining: on having a blended family

June 29, 2012

on having a blended family

I haven't chosen to talk directly about this yet, but now, it's time. My silly heart is so stubborn and resistant to change, but now it's time to talk about this.


I have a blended family.

When my mom had to say goodbye for a while, our family was broken. We weren't whole.

Just two blocks away, my mom's best friend's family was also broken. They were our best friends too, and we went on vacations together every year growing up.


Then, our families got together. Two broken families, trying to make a new, whole family. Which is a beautiful idea, if you think about it.

It's crazy. It's different and it's been a year and I'm still not used to it. 

But it's good. It's so good for my dad not to be alone, and for the Smith siblings to have a dad that cares, and for my little siblings to have a mom at home.

So here we are. This is our blended family. It's big and it's crazy and I'm really glad I have them.

{On a completely unrelated note, I have just two spots still open for sponsorship in July! Email me quick if you want to snag them.}

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