Silver Lining: Friday's High Fives

August 17, 2012

Friday's High Fives

High five for Friday.

High five for husbands who study for the gre. Our kitchen table is covered with organized piles of flashcards. He is going to rock that thing.

High five for aunts that come see your classroom, and for bright colored paper and printouts and lesson plans that are finally finished.

High five for professional clothes, and for casual Friday.

High five for Saturday, and the promise of date night.

High five for Sam (again), who runs to the grocery store for me late at night.

High five for meeting my students on Monday!!

High five for packages and hand-written letters.

High five for not being able to sleep, but in a good, excited way, not a stressed and terrified way.

High five for Friday!

What's your high five for the day?

P.S. Awesome giveaway coming next week :)
P.P.S. I wrote about making the most of the first few months of marriage here and my favorite things about summer here.

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