I love teaching!
I taught about exclamation marks yesterday, and when it's appropriate to use them, and I've decided this is one of those times when it really is appropriate to use one.
One thing I can't figure out is how people survive as teachers when they don't love it. You meet those grizzled veteran teachers, and they grumble to you about their long hours or their low pay or their aching feet, and how some children are bound to never graduate so what's the point anyways.
I seriously don't know how they survive. I could NEVER get up early and spend so much time in my classroom and stay late and pray and worry and work for these kids if I didn't have a love for them.
But I do! Holy cow I love those kids to death. Every day I learn about them - their strengths and weaknesses, their greatest fears (and the weird things they confess to me), and most importantly, how they learn and grow.
New teachers have a lot of energy, and passion, and ideas, and I think that's a strength.
(Also, if you're pegging kids that aren't going to graduate, I personally don't think you're in the right profession.)
So the bottom line is - my kids are awesome! It surprised me when, on the second day of school, I found myself saying as they left for the day, "I love you!" Did I love them? It was only the second day! (Mostly appropriate exclamation mark use there.) But one thing I've learned is to never suppress the urge to tell people you love them. People need that.
And now it's the mantra. Every day. "Love you - do your homework - make good choices - see you tomorrow!"
So yes, the bottom line is I love teaching.
Back to school night 2012
P.S. I still have a few September sponsor spots waiting for you to claim them :)
another P.S. Congrats to Jessica Helms for winning the DownEast giveaway! I'll email you later today.