Silver Lining: Things I learned from the first year of marriage

August 7, 2012

Things I learned from the first year of marriage

Boys are easier to live with than girls.

You do actually have to vocalize your feelings. Boys can't magically pick up on them all the time.

Find someone who does the dishes every single day.

Early morning snuggles are the best way to start each morning. No exceptions.

Laundry skills go way down when you get married. 
(I now detest folding clean laundry. Piles sit in our bedroom for days.)

Kiss. Often.

Never let the d-word enter into your vocabulary. Don't even joke about separating or anything. Just don't say the word. 

Go to the Melting Pot for your first anniversary. 
Talk about the year behind and the year ahead over fondue for hours. 

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