
March 21, 2014

Friday's silver linings

If you ever feel there's a lack of cuteness in your life, head over to my bebe pin board. It's been blowing up with newborn cuteness lately. Image via.

Today is just one of those days where I woke up happy. It's a crazy, stressful world out there, but there are so so many reasons to be happy. Here are some of the little silver linings making me feel great today:

  • cute maternity shirts - my aunt bought me some maternity clothes, and my cousin brought over a big bag of her old maternity clothes. Lately I've been wearing them every day, and it's nice to have cute clothes that fit nicely with my baby bump. Thank you Julie and Julianne!

  • Jason's birthday yesterday was awesome. A huge thanks to everyone who sent cards, called, or made his life rock in general. His whole deacons quorum showed up to help him eat his custom-made chocolate and gummy worm cake, and they are some seriously awesome (and loud!) boys.

  • Sam works the early shift at work now, so we get ready together in the mornings. He is the grumpiest grump when he first wakes up, and it's one of my favorite things about him. Whenever I say "good morning," he glares and goes, "says who?" It always puts a smile on my face.

  • Spring is here! Yesterday during recess duty, the field was full of kids running around, wearing bright colors, throwing footballs, and screaming. Life is good when it gets lighter and warmer, and the kids start busting out their bright colored clothes.

  • Tonight I have a girls night with all my sisters. My step-sister Meghan is visiting this weekend from Texas, and I'm beyond excited to see her.

  • Speaking of girls, I've been feeling so inspired lately by the examples of so many great women around me. Women who respond to undeserved criticism with respect and dignity. Women who share their views in kind ways. Women who are working moms. Women who are stay at home moms. Women who can't have kids. Women who have seven kids. My baby girl will be lucky to grow up among the examples of so many beautiful, strong women.

  • Two nights ago I couldn't fall asleep for a while because baby girl was kicking me. Her kicks are getting much stronger, and I love love love it. Even though it still tickles sometimes.
So there you have it. 
A few silver linings in my life lately. 
What's making you smile today?


  1. I'm so excited to check out your "bebe" board. I love looking at pictures of babies and baby things and it just makes me really excited for our little guy to get here. Also, I need more maternity clothes and am sick of wearing the same ones every 2 days. Glad you got some new ones. Can't wait to see pics with them!

    1. Thanks Aimee! I'm getting so excited to see your little guy soon! Your due date is so close now!

  2. I'm just feeling so much happiness for you!!!!
