
March 30, 2014

pregnancy hormones. they're a real thing.

26 weeks

I was in denial about pregnancy hormones until this last week. Jason was standing in a line, and a man walked up, sized up Jason, and then cut right in front of him. Cue the instant RAGE. I wasn't annoyed, or frustrated, or put off, I was FUMING! Jason had to restrain me.

And then, the other night, Sam threw away three leftover strawberries and I cried. Literally shed tears over the tragedy of those three strawberries that were in the garbage. HA! I've officially earned the title of crazy pregnant lady now!

And now I'm spending my Sunday afternoon making to-do lists and gearing up for this week. It's going to be a crazy one. Remember the insanity of taking my fifth graders camping for three days in the snow last year? Yeah, I'm doing it again this week. Only it's supposed to be torrentially downpouring, not snowing. (Can't decide if that's an improvement or not?) The best part is that on Friday night, it will all be over. I can come back to the world of yummy food, warm showers and comfortable beds, AND IT WILL BE SPRING BREAK. With that kind of light at the end of the tunnel, I say bring on the craziness.

Happy Sunday, people.
Have fun,
don't cut kids in line,
and don't ever throw away strawberries, eh? :)


  1. I hope you encouraged Jason to kick that guy's word I won't say on your blog. You rock, chick.

    1. I was about to kick that guy personally! Jason had to restrain me hahaha

  2. Haha! Oh man - best of luck on the campout and everything, thank goodness you have spring break right after! I love hearing about your experience with pregnancy. I'm already feeling bad for Michael for when it happens to us because I feel I'm crazy enough just when I'm on my period. Sounds like pregnancy will be a whole other level - ahhh!! Haha. Thanks for writing such a great blog, I love reading it.

    1. Haha you should have seen Sam's face when he apologized about the strawberries. A mixture of wanting to laugh and being totally baffled and looking super scared. Luckily husbands are pretty patient! You'll be a riot when you're pregnant :)

  3. Oh, I'm sure your pregnancy hormones are equivalent to my normal hormones ;) haha! It makes me nervous to think about what I will be like when I'm pregnant. You're the best, girl.

    1. Haha I'm not saying I was never like this before I got pregnant! Now I just have a good reason for my madness ;)

  4. I would cry with the strawberries as well. Men just don't understand the hormones involved with pregnancy!

    1. Some things in life are just tragic. Throwing away strawberries is one of those things :)

  5. I vaguely remember crying when my husband tried to get me to share some nasty Jack in the Box tacos when I was least the hormones make for good stories, right?

    Oh and kudos on camping at 6 months pregnant! I don't know if I'd ever be that brave.

    1. Haha sounds like something I'd do! And thanks. I have a ton of teachers who do more than their fair share of the work for the camping trip, so it's all thanks to them!

  6. I cried about eggs. I could not eat eggs because it was somebody's baby. (somebody I mean chickens) And I could not watch a Hallmark commercial.

    As far as camping...why can't you camp later in the year when their is nicer weather?

    1. Lynette, that is so funny! I've never thought about it that way before, but totally sounds like the type of thing my crazy pregnant hormones would do. Love your comments!

      PS - the campsite is owned by the district, so we get a time slot assigned to us each year. This year, ours is the first week of April.
