
April 11, 2014

first glimpses of our babymoon

Today, Sam and I are headed home from our spring break trip. While I'm stuck in the car for 11 hours (inevitably asking Sam to stop for yet another bathroom break), I have for you a few snapshots of our trip. What else is there to say about our vacation except that IT WAS THE BEST EVER. We slept in, we ate too much, we walked for miles and miles exploring the beautiful city of San Diego, we got sunburns, and we loved it. It was so great to have this last vacation with just the two of us, before baby comes.

I have pictures upon pictures to post of the city we both became obsessed with, but here's a little glimpse of my vacation. These pictures are all from my instagram (follow here @brookejanette).

San Diego, you were so good to us!

Semi-unrelated sidenote: how do you get good pictures of you and your significant other on a trip? I tried several times to hand my camera to a passerby, but let's just say, the pictures are terrible at best. Honestly. I'm not even IN one of the pictures a stranger took for us. I don't want to bring the tripod and set it up in the middle of the zoo or wherever. I even try to look for someone with a camera who looks like they know what's up. Do I have to be more demanding and specific of the strangers I ask to take our picture? Should I use my iPhone so strangers don't feel intimidated? Should I just give up on the idea? Tips please!


  1. fun! I keep hearing about these baby moons wish I could have one right about now :) only 6 more weeks for me, when are you due again?

    1. Tereza, you're so close! I just started my third trimester, so I still have a bit to go.

  2. Love that last picture!! Man, that food looks GOOD! I am the same way about asking me! We study the people that are around us & just HOPE that it's decent ha! sometimes I will just simply ask them to take two! I'll never forgot on our first cruise we asked this young guy to take our picture, then he was like "here i'll take a few this..." I said "ummm can we take you everywhere with us because you are awesome!!" ha!

    1. Where was that good photographer guy on our vacation?? Haha. I guess you just have to hope for the best! And sometimes resort to selfies, because they're the only thing that work :)

  3. I want that burger - right now. And that polka dot maternity top too - too cute. And we have been able to get a few pictures of us from strangers, but it is hard. You can't expect them to be best. We do take our tripod to places we really care about getting a good pic of us - but at the zoo, probably not. We also go for a lot of selfies with our phones and those can be okay too :)

    1. We have to resort to selfies a lot too. It all works out in the end I guess - even if you don't have a good picture of both of you in the same place. Love the idea of bringing a tripod if it's super important (and less crowded than the zoo).

  4. These pictures are so fun!!!! You look FANTASTIC!!

    I always just try aand take selfies with Andrew; although he's not in to pictures that often! People who are also carrying cameras will typically get a good picture, too! So, I try and spot the people who look like they know what they're doing!

    1. Thank you so much Emily! You are such a sweetheart. My husband is not super into pictures either, which is why it's frustrating if I finally convince him to take one and then it doesn't turn out. Oh well. You win some, you lose some, right?

  5. YAY what a fun trip!! So glad you guys got to do this! And by the way, that last picture of you with the adorable swimsuit and hat is probably one of my favorites EVER. So cute. Your kids will love looking back on that one and seeing what a beautiful mama they have!

    1. Rachel, you are so sweet! Thank you! I almost didn't post the swimsuit one (hello, it's my gigantic pregnant belly in a swimsuit! Nobody wants to see that!).

  6. You are seriously one of the cutest pregnant women ever! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Enjoy your last few weeks just the two of you!

    1. Thank you so much Stefani! You are so sweet. We're trying to really soak up this last time with no baby!

  7. These photos are amazing!
    Honestly my husband and I either ask someone or we prop the camera up on something (wall, purse, bench, etc)...we have had pretty good luck at ours!

    1. Propping up the camera is a brilliant idea - you get the good pictures without having to lug the tripod around. Sometimes we have problems keeping the camera upright though. Must try it out next time!

      Thanks so much for the comment:)

  8. These photos are amazing!
    Honestly my husband and I either ask someone or we prop the camera up on something (wall, purse, bench, etc)...we have had pretty good luck at ours!

  9. Your hair grows like wildfire! And the last picture is my favorite. I can't wait to welcome little girl into the world!!

  10. My husband and I went to San Diego last June and loved it so much! We also prop our camera or phone up and use self timer. We've gotten pretty good at finding ways to get good angles and some of of the pictures turn out really well. :)

  11. Glad you all had a wonderful time on your trip! It looks like you all had tons of fun..
