
June 27, 2014

39 weeks, and it finally happened

Well, at 39 weeks, it finally happened. I became that pregnant lady. You know the one I'm talking about. The one who walks around the neighborhood wearing her husband's same old clothes day after day. Oh excuse me, did I say walk? I actually don't walk any more. I waddle. Slowwwwly. Because I'm that pregnant lady these days. And you should see how long it takes me to ascend the two flights of stairs to our apartment! Sam thinks it's hilarious. I also started complaining. I was pretty good up until the end, but now every other sentence starts with "I don't mean to complain, but... " followed by a hefty complaint, or two, or even three if I'm on a roll that day. Maybe it was inevitable, or maybe I'm just bad at waiting for my body to go into labor. But here I am, being that pregnant lady over here like it's a full-time job!

Really though, things aren't that bad, and I hardly have anything to complain about. We had an ultrasound last week, and baby girl looks like she's doing great. She was already measuring at 8lbs more than a week ago, which means I'm bracing myself for a 10 or 11 pound baby (huge babies run on both sides of the family). Bring it on, I say! At this point, we're just so excited for her to get here. And you should have seen her chubby cheeks! I about died.

Sam and I are trying to think of little things to do together, mini dates to go on as we wait. I go on three or four-mile walks each morning, and I've been able to fit in lunch dates and crafting time like I never have before. It's been great, and I'm sure I'll look back wistfully on these days of free time and reading and naps.

But at the same time.... if you want to tell me how to induce labor, or maybe leave a little offering to the gods of labor and delivery for me, I won't complain. We're ready! Come on out, baby girl!

P.S. It was really windy when we took these pictures, so excuse my crazy hair and weird faces.


  1. its encouraging to know its possible to be 39 weeks and gorgeous.

    1. That right there is why I keep you around Elisabeth :)

  2. You look so great!! Good luck the next couple of weeks :)

  3. ^she's right. :) And good luck! 39 weeks is so rough--you're huge and achy and facing down perhaps the most intimidating act of your life if you're not super jazzed about labor and delivery. But you can do it! Those walks will definitely come in handy once you have recovered a little bit and can do them with a tiny baby in tow.

    I think an huge overdose of mozzarella cheese set things in action for me. Now I'm thinking maybe cheap pizza buffets set Henry up for a love of pizza his whole life. :)

    1. That's it. I'm bringing mozzarella cheese to the party on Sunday :)

  4. I feel the same way...have your inner thighs and hips been loose and creaky? Mine have. Kind of makes it difficult to walk...not that I'm really allowed to anymore, anyway. Sigh, a little jealous of your walks. Can't do that.

    1. My hips have definitely been hurting! I'm jealous that you'll probably have your baby before me though!

  5. you're gorgeous brooke, i'm so excited to have another member in our family! can't wait to see her!

  6. 3-4 miles a day is amazing!!!

    1. I won't share how long that takes me :) I'm at a solid 20-minute mile these days.

  7. I've tried nasty things like castor oil (which worked but SO NOT worth it), so after going through this gig 5 times I say keep up that WALKING, walking, walking and let her come when she's ready. And if you do have a big baby, the chubby cheeks are so worth it. My last one was a whopper (for me), and I have been kissing those marvelous little cheeks and chubby arms and legs ever since.

    Wish you the best. The waiting is killer!

  8. I so know that feeling! Haha. I need to find the list of the TONS of ideas people gave me for getting Holland to come when she was TWO weeks overdue and send it to you! Haha. If anything, it will give you a good laugh! Really I think babies just come when they are ready though. Good luck with everything! I am so so excited for you and have loved following your blog throughout your pregnancy!

  9. You look amazing mamma! Before you know it baby will be out & you can enjoy it even more then :)
