
June 5, 2014

the final countdown!

When school was still in session, this was my plan for the entire month of June:

wake up.
sit on the couch.
eat otter pops.
waddle down to the pool.
float around for a while.
waddle back.
sit on the couch for the rest of the day.

But the thing is... now that school's out, I don't feel the urge to just sit there. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I'm scrubbing bathrooms with toothbrushes, washing and folding all of our clothes, cleaning out the pantry and the fridge, and just going crazy in general. I guess nesting is a real thing, because I am totally filled with tons of energy to clean and clean! No time for movies on the couch.

how far along are you? 36 weeks - due in 1 month!
due date? 4th of July
weight gain: 30 lbs. I'm huge! Sometimes I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and just laugh. Who knew my belly could get this big?
countdown: 29 days left!
maternity clothes: yep. I'm all about dresses, skirts, leggings, and long shirts these days.
stretch marks: yes. A lot of tiny ones circling all around my belly button. It kind of looks like a swirling galaxy though, so I mean, if you have to have stretch marks, might as well look like something cool?...
sleep: still doin' good as long as I have my body pillow with me
best moments: honestly I love my doctor appointments. It's so fun listening to baby's heartbeat each week, getting an estimate of how big she is, making sure she's doing okay, and seeing how dilated I am (1cm! haha)
movement: yes and yes. She's too big to do full-on somersaults, but she still kicks and squirms all day long. It kind of hurts when she kicks where my belly button is though. Sometimes I swear she's trying to get out via my belly button and it's painful!
food cravings: none. big meals are hard, but give me a little snack every hour or two and I'm set.
belly button: out
symptoms: lately I've been underestimating how big my belly is. I've been running into doors, chairs, counters, and even people because I forget how big I am. 
wedding ring: on
looking forward to: Um. Did I mention OUR BABY IS GETTING HERE SOON!?

One more anecdote: Yesterday I was following Jason down the stairs and out to our car. When I got down there, he said "did you have to go back and get something, or did it take you all that time just to walk out here?" So I guess I'm moving slow these days :)


  1. If she comes on the 5th we can share a birthday! You are getting so close!

    1. Ha I didn't know that was your birthday! I'd name her Kelsey for sure :)

  2. So excited for you Brooke! I can't wait to see pictures!! Nesting is so exciting and fun! Keep us updated:):)

    1. Thanks Sara. You are so sweet! Although so far today I haven't felt a single nesting urge -just a lay around and do nothing urge :)

  3. You look so great! My face was so swollen but you look completely normal! So excited for you :)

    1. No way my face is so swollen these days! Even my husband finally acknowledged the chubby cheeks I've been complaining about for weeks. It's like 90% of my baby weight is in my tummy, 10% in my face, seriously.

  4. I discovered my first stretch mark yesterday. I was so sad!

    1. It was a sad day when I found my first stretch mark too :( My husband had to tell me that it means I'm growing a healthy baby, and that it's a good sign!

  5. I am so excited for you sweet girl.. This next month will fly by :)

  6. Ah so exciting!! My little guy came just passed my 38 week mark, so who knows! You could be even closer than you think! Your little girl will be so beautiful :)
