
July 24, 2014

I interrupt my regularly scheduled programming...

to bring you this:

my favorite rendition of one of my favorite bump pictures.

You've probably seen these sweeping the Internet lately (I especially love this family portrait, and this one of my dear blogging friend). When I was little, I thought faceless pictures were creepy (anyone else? haha). Luckily I grew out of that, and now I love this watercolor style.

I had this picture made into a portrait for me, and I'm going to hang it in the baby room. I wanted a way to commemorate my pregnancy, and this was an artistic and timeless way for me to do it. Plus, I reached that point where where you start to question "am I building a shrine to myself when I print out pictures of me and my family and hang them EVERYWHERE in my home?" Soooooo. This counts as art instead.

Anyway, it was done by the amazing Susanna Avila. No, she's not paying me to say this, although, in the spirit of full disclosure, yes she is my cousin. Mostly I just really love my picture so I wanted to share :) It would be perfect birthday present for someone, too! I won't say it would make a great Christmas present, because this is July, people.

Here's her contact information:
Susanna Avila Art

Go check out her work! You can thank me later :)

PS I want these macarones. Like right now.


  1. I adore her portraits! I love the simplicity!
