
August 26, 2014

5 totally useless baby items... that I totally use

I admit it. I'm eating my words here. Earlier, I boasted that I am a baby minimalist, and that parents don't actually need tons of stuff to raise a happy, healthy baby. I still maintain that, however.... Some things are just nice to have. Not necessary baby items, but ones that I use every day.

Swaddle Blankets
Before I had my baby, I thought this was one huge consumeristic ploy that thousands of parents were dumb enough to buy in to (according to blogger, I just made up the word consumeristic). But then we got some of these swaddle blankets at a baby shower, and we use them every single night. Our little squish breaks out of any and all regular blankets that we swaddle her in, but she loves these.

Car Seat Cover
Technically, car seats come with a cover, which renders these covers useless. But honestly, the covers that come with car seats are flimsy at best, and you can't adjust them as much as you'd like to block direct sun from your baby's face. We got this car seat cover for a killer deal, and we love it. They're also great when you're in public and strangers want to touch your baby. Or for sneaking food into a movie (how dare you think there's a rotisserie chicken in my car seat, officer!).

Electric Snot Sucker
The funny thing about babies is they come pre-programmed to latch, suck, grasp things, and "walk" when their feet are on the floor, but they don't come with the ability to sniff. Baby girl had her first stuffy nose this week, and this electric snot sucker (ahem, infant aspirator) came in handy! When I got this at my baby shower, I laughed out loud. What?? These exist?? And don't they give you a little plastic bulb sucker at the hospital? But trust me, the electric one is way more effective.

Pacifier Clip
What's the point of pacifier clips, right? I didn't buy any, because how hard can it be to keep a baby's pacifier in their mouth? Ha. You have much to learn, young padawan. As it turns out, babies can eject their pacifiers in up to a 12-foot arc. Technically, you don't need these clips, but they sure do come in handy at the ward camp-out when your baby keeps spitting her pacifier in the dirt.

Diaper Genie
Now, I don't actually have one of these. But I went to my friend's house, and she showed me her pail of dirty diapers that didn't smell at all because of her diaper genie. I, on the other hand, don't know if I'll ever be able to get residual diaper smell out of my apartment. And poor Jason has to take dirty diapers to the dumpster all the time.

So there you have it. Totally useless baby items that I totally use. Probably don't try any of these, because once you do - you'll be hooked :) Ah, consumerism. Although I am glad I didn't get a changing table. I have a feeling that's a useless item that would actually be useless. I've never thought to myself "Baby has a dirty diaper. But where on earth can I change her??" Ya know?

Moms, what am I missing?
What non-necessary baby items do you love?

*All images in this post, except the first image, copyright original owners, use with permission.


  1. I'm addicted to those swaddle blankets! I can't swaddle a baby without one.

    1. Me too. She gets swaddled with one of those every single night.

  2. Also don't forget a pacifier clip if you go on a plane!

    1. The idea of taking her on a plane totally freaks me out, but when I do, I will probably bring half her bedroom, pacifier clip included :)

  3. Haha, you crack me up! We love, love the swaddle blankets. We used them with Carter until he was almost a year.

    1. Seriously, we love 'em too. Pretty sure Claire will be swaddled until she's like five years old :)

  4. Those swaddle blankets were a complete lifesaver when Reagan was tiny. I love those and will forever swear by them!

    1. Me too! Did Reagan also like those sleep sacks? I've been wanting to try those.

  5. I got that exact same color and style car seat canopy. Actually, I got the "whole caboodle" because I'm weird and want the whole car seat to look cute, fuzzy, and comfortable. It was one mommy splurge I couldn't resist!

    1. We seriously debated about getting the bottom part too. Maybe we will for our next baby - I'm glad you love yours.

  6. Very interesting post. I unexpectedly used my swaddle blanket a lot too during the first 2 months. The most useful second hand item I bought online is a Baby Bjorn. It is a lifesaver.

    1. Oh, totally. I count the Baby Bjorn as a necessary item. I love ours!

  7. I've been wanting to try sleep blankets! Is there a particular brand that your little guy loves the most?

  8. He isn't picky!
