
August 28, 2014

basically we named her after Twilight

Once, when we were all sitting around playing with baby girl, I said "come here, my little spider monkey," as a tribute to the terrible disaster that was the movie Twilight. Then we all stopped and looked at her. She really does look like a little monkey sometimes. It has something to do with her ears that poke out (thanks to Sam) and her round face (thanks to me) and her weird hairline (thanks to her homo habilis ancestors?). So, I guess evolution is working backwards now, because she is our little spider monkey. And she is the cutest monkey I have ever, or will ever, see.

These pictures are from our evening walk last night. I feel like I'm a novice at baby wearing, but when I do it, I really love it.

Happy almost-Friday! And happy 3-day weekend at that! Our plans are still up in the air, but they involve a date night, a hike, and possibly a BBQ and a trip to Logan. And they most definitely will involve a snow cone, because those stands aren't going to be open forever, and I've had a serious lack of snow cones this summer :)


  1. Hooray for Logan! And yes, snow shack, especially if you're coming to Logan! Also, she's the cutest baby.

    1. Duuuuuuuude, let's meet up! At the snow shack :) haha

  2. She is so stinking cute.

  3. She is absolutely gorgeous Brooke! Wow, you make pretty babies. I love that you call her a monkey. I did with Alex too. He still is the "Monkey man" at 9 years old. It is fun to look back at his pictures and see that personality that he still has shining through as an infant. I'm sure you will see that with Clair. I love the photos you took, as you walked, that is what she was seeing. That is so neat. You look so happy and I am happy for you!

    1. Thank you so much Melissa! And yes, we were actually just wondering if she'll grow out of the monkey stage or not. What a cute nickname for your little Monkey Man :)

  4. Hahahaha! Clay and I are always quoting that same terrible line from Twilight. I can still remember watching the movie the first (and only) time and when that part came on we both busted up laughing. Hilarious!
