
September 22, 2014

Angel Grandma

There are many things I want my daughter to do. I would love for her to play a sport and a musical instrument. I would love for her to get a college education. I would love for her to find a career field she is passionate about. I would love for her to get married and raise a family. But more than any of these accomplishments, these things, I hope she is kind. I hope she is generous. I hope she is understanding of others. I hope she has the courage to forgive others, and the courage to say sorry. I hope she is brave and strong and independent. I hope she loves her Savior.

For family night tonight, we went to the cemetery where my mom is buried. I told Claire all about how she was born on her angel grandma's birthday. I told her what kind of person angel grandma is, and that I hope she becomes that kind of person. I want her to grow up hearing these stories, and knowing about the incredibly rich life her angel grandma left her. 

Each fall is a sad time for me as I remember the fall that mom died. But each year it's getting a little easier. The hurt never goes away, or even lessens. Rather, it's easier to focus on mom's life and everything she gave to me instead of on her death and everything it took from me. And I want my daughter to be part of that beautiful legacy.


  1. Gorgeous pictures, perfect message. I want to be a mama like you.

    1. Oh, I have no doubt you'll be a way better mom than me Mikell! Can't wait to see your little one.

  2. Lovely post. You are a great mom and I'm sure your mom is very proud.

    1. Thanks so much Tayler. And I love your new blog design!

  3. Yes! Keep telling those stories- my mother did the same thing for me and my angel grandmother and it's because of those stories that I feel like I know her so well. :)

    1. I love that you grew up with those memories and feel like you know your grandmother because of it. That's exactly what I'm hoping for. Thanks for sharing, Leigha.

  4. This is absolutely beautiful.

    1. Thanks so much Alexa. Excited to see you today!

  5. i love you. and this. so glad i could see you today!

  6. Beautiful, what a wonderful tradition and outlook. I am sure your mom is very proud of her both her granddaughter and what an incredible mom you are.

    1. Thank you so much Donna. I sure hope she's proud too! :)

  7. Beautiful post! It's so important to share these things with our little ones, even when they are still so little.
