
September 14, 2014

How I wore it

I've been having a major case of denial that fall is coming. I think it's because I had a baby this summer, and nothing cuts your contact with the outside world more than having a baby. With a brand new baby, it's like "What's the time? Wait, what day of the week is it? Come to think of it, what month are we even in?? Oh well. Doesn't matter. I'm going to go snuggle my baby."

So even though it's been a great summer, sometimes I forget that summer has come and gone. On Saturday morning, I got into my car, realized the back windshield was a little foggy, and pressed the defrost button. THE DEFROST BUTTON, people. Doesn't a little part of you die inside when you press the defrost button for the first time of the season? You can no longer pretend it's summer when you have to defrost the car.

(Note to self: add the defrost button to the list of household objects I am weirdly passionate about.)

Anyway, to welcome in fall, I did a little fashion collaboration with some awesome bloggers and instagrammers. We were all given the same image, and we each put together our take on the outfit. Check out Meghan from King & Ford, Meredith from The Daily Mer, and Krystle from Harley & Jane to see how they wore their outfits! Thanks Meghan for putting this together for us.

The starting image:

Here's my take on it. I loved the heather grey and forest green combo, but I would have never thought of it on my own. Also, that scarf. Heart eye emojis.

I know what you're thinking: how does she keep her boots so clean?

Happy Monday!

PS - thank you thank you thank you for all the gratifying and hilarious comments on my last post. It really meant a lot to me. This blogging community is amazing.


  1. just darling as usual - so excited for fall!

    1. Thanks! I'm usually much more excited for fall than I am this year, but I'm slowly coming around to wanting the cooler temps and fall leaves.

  2. Love this entire outfit, but especially the colors! Never would have thought to put those together, but it looks great!

    1. I would have never thought of the color combo either. I just do what somebody else has already done haha

  3. SERIOUSLY digging this color combination. Also how do you look so amaze after just having a baby?!?!?! Heart eyes for days. Send some of that my way, could you?

    1. Hahaha thanks Brooke! I still have a long ways to go, but I'm working on it.
