
September 2, 2014

two months

At two months, our little squish:

+ Sleeps like a champ. I was seriously gearing up for months of sleeplessness, followed by an epic and terrible sleep training battle. Turns out we got the world's best sleeper over here. She sleeps 9 hours straight each night.

+ Hates cold things. Cold hands, cold water (read: any water that's not borderline dangerously hot), cold wipes.

+ Coos all the time. Her specialties are "ooooo-aaaaa" and "gaaeeeee."

+ Doesn't like tummy time. Mostly she just lays there, sticks out her lower lip, and cries pitifully. It's so hard for me to make her try for 10 minutes!

+ Loves being outside.

+ Still does that thing where she wiggles her whole body until she's nuzzled right up close to you. It is SO cute.

+ Loves to smile! When I was taking these pictures, she just started smiling unprompted. I figure if I can raise her to automatically smile when the camera comes out, I've succeeded as a blogger mommy :)


  1. Such beautiful pictures - just look at that smile!

    Alexander also hated tummy time, and still does now and nearly 10 months old - our baby isn't going to be a crawler, but he loves being on his feet so at least his mobile! It's hard getting your little one to do something when it upsets them, does not make for one happy mummy.

    A baby who enjoys the outdoors is great, it prompts you to get out and about. Although I think it's my love of the outdoors that spurred Alexander's!
    Bits & Bobs

    1. I totally agree. I think if they grow up outdoors they will be more likely to love it! We're going for a little hike tonight, in fact :)

  2. She is adorable! And how wonderful that she sleeps 9 hours a night! I'm just glad Rhys has dropped down to one feeding a night, now. I can handle that!

    1. One feeding a night is great! When do you go back to work?

  3. You make very pretty babies. :)

  4. My goodness she is so cute! And yay for a great sleeper!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Thank you so much! And yes, we are loving this sleeping thing!

  5. You definitely come from a great gene pool.

    1. It's all thanks to Claire's grandpa on her mom's side :)

  6. Gorgeous photos! I wish I had done more of this before my little girl became mobile. Way to go for capturing those little details...they go by in a blink. And I've never been more jealous than to hear about your 9+hours of sleep at night. We are at 7 1/2 months. A mom that can't bring herself to sleep train...we've done everything "wrong" and I just keep praying Heavenly Father will help us a little bit.

    1. You are a great mom Sharlee! I honestly think there's no right way to raise a baby. And every baby is good at something different. As long as you're doing what works for you and your family, you are being a fantastic mom.

  7. This pictures turned out great! You've got a very photogenic baby! (and does she have blue eyes???)

    1. Thanks Sara! And yes, she has gorgeous blue eyes - for now at least :)
