
October 10, 2014

little life updates + taking fall family pictures

Life around here has been pretty good lately. Sam is applying for grad schools(!), Jason got his very first cell phone and it hasn't left his hand since, and baby girl has a new trick: giggling. Due to her new trick, we've all been standing around doing fairly foolish things for hours in the hope that we can elicit one of those heart-melting laughs from her.

Yesterday I went on a little outing with The Squishy One to enjoy the fall weather. I accidentally left my phone at home, and it was probably the best thing I did all day. Claire and I shared several quiet moments of fall leaves, clear blue skies, and her silly concerned face when she felt the breeze on her skin. The moment belonged to just us, and it didn't have to compete for attention with instagram or a text message or anything that my cell phone and its constant notifications has to offer. I'm going to make a conscious effort to disconnect more often and be more present in whatever moment I'm in.  

I'll leave you with a few pictures I took of our fun neighbor friends and their gorgeous children. I love that they opted for a casual and sporty look (I'm getting a slight vibe that they love the Crimson Tide - are you?). If you have any tips for photographing a busy two-year-old, send them my way please!

Happy weekend!


  1. Hi Brooke. I agree with the unplugging idea. My kids are of the age that they tell me (especially my daughter) "mom, stop texting and pay attention to me!" I guess the good news is that she can share her feelings :-). I wish I could hear Claire's giggle. I love your blog the best of all!! What does Sam do? What is he applying to do at graduate school? Hope you have a happy Friday!

    1. Thank you so much! You are so sweet. He's applying for an MBA. Wahoo!

  2. Aren't baby laughs the best?! I was making my little guy laugh like crazy in sacrament meeting yesterday, and I kept telling myself I should stop but it's SO HARD, because once you get them going, you just want to make it last forever haha. Keep loving your time with her, some fun weeks are coming! 4-5 months has been soooo much fun so far!

    1. We always try and sit behind a cute family in sacrament meeting so we can see all the cuteness and hopefully hear little baby laughs. And I agree - no matter where you are, you don't want to stop once you get going!
