
October 26, 2014

Things that Matter Most

A few days ago, I was having one of those bottom-side-up days in which everything seems a little more bleak. Will anyone comment on my blog post today? When will we replace our breaking couches? How could I have forgotten to buy eggs? Why did I eat those cookies?

And then, out of the blue, my grandpa came over with a bag full of books. He said he met some teachers on the Frontrunner who were reading new children's books they got at a literacy conference. He asked them for a list of the best books for his great-grandchildren, and then he ordered all the books on the list. My grandpa is such a gentle giant, and that simple but amazing gift turned my whole day around.

It doesn't matter if nobody comments on my blog post for that day. It doesn't matter if our couches have a few bad springs. It doesn't matter if I forgot to buy eggs, or if ate those cookies, or any of the thousands of things humans worry about daily.

So today, I have a few pictures of what does matter. My family matters. So does kindness and compassion and trying again tomorrow. The words below are from a beautiful sermon (read it HEREand are compiled in my very favorite Mormon Message video HERE. I promise it's worth three minutes of your time.

We would do well to slow down a little, 
proceed at the optimum speed for our circumstances, 
focus on the significant, 
lift up our eyes, 
and truly see the things that matter most. 

Strength comes not from frantic activity 
but from being settled on a firm foundation of truth and light. 
It comes from placing our attention and efforts on the basics of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. 
It comes from paying attention to the divine things that matter most.
-Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Happy Sunday!


  1. My bad on those couch springs. Jessa told me time and time again not to jump on the furniture but I couldnt resist....

  2. Cute pictures. And I love the Uchtdorf quote. Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. When I have those days, the "wrongs" in my day/life seem to just pile up. It really takes effort to step back and see what really does matter. Love this!

    1. Amen. I have those days all the time. Glad to know you occasionally have them too. Thanks for the comment, Sharlee!

  4. I've been feeling like this a lot too lately. This was a great reminder:)

    1. I know! I don't know why human beings let ourselves have days like this, but we probably should stop. Easier said than done though, right?

  5. Let's not judge me for two comments immediately in a row. I wanted to say how pretty both you & your baby look in this--uuh-dorable.

    1. Ha you're fine! I love commenters :) And thanks so much - we like her :)
