Holiday dating is the best dating. In college, I swear everyone started dating someone else once the cold hit. When the pool days and summer nights were over, the collective campus started searching for a snuggle buddy to bunker down with, never to emerge until the snow melted and the winter coats were put away five months later.
So holiday dating? It's the best. Here today is the incredibly lovely Sara from Simply Hued. She's sharing 20 amazing holiday date ideas - and I mean amazing!
+ Craft some christmas decor. Make ornaments, stockings, or paper snowflakes. Turn on some holiday tunes to get you in the Christmas spirit!
+ Go ice fishing. Many places offer ice fishing tours or will allow you to rent ice fishing equipment.
+ Grab a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy the Christmas lights together. If there's a Christmas light attraction, there's usually a horse-and-buggy nearby offering carriage rides-- and who doesn't love carriage rides!
+ Go ice-skating. Play with your balance at a nearby skating rink (bonus points if you find an outdoor skating rink!)
+ Decorate gingerbread men / gingerbread houses. Buy a decorating kit at a nearby grocery store, or make gingerbread dough from scratch. (here's a recipe that doesn't spread when you bake it.) This makes a fun date to do in a big group!
+ Enjoy the snow together. Build a snowman, snow-fort, or have a snowball fight! (I actually think it's illegal to throw a snowball in some states... if so, you didn't hear that last suggestion from me)
+ Snuggle up and watch a christmas movie. "Am I just eating because I'm bored?" name that movie!
+ Bundle up and enjoy snowshoeing in the moonlight. Rent a pair of snowshoes and enjoy a romantic moonlight hike together (bonus points if you pack a surprise midnight snack to eat along the way!)
+ Host an ugly-christmas-sweater party. Invite all your closest friends over for a Christmas get-together. Enjoy each others' company while playing games, and exchanging white-elephant gifts.
+ Round up a group of friends and go caroling. The more the merrier! "the best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for all to hear" (name that movie)
+ Spend the weekend at a cabin or hotel. One of my favorite memories I have with David is spending the weekend at a nice hotel in Park City during the winter. Our stay was a wedding gift at Hotel Park City and I absolutely loved the few days we spent there!
Hop on over to Sara's blog (click here!) to read the rest of the list. And while you're at it, show her some blog love! She's one of those just-starting-out bloggers whose content is so high quality that you'd think she'd been blogging for decades. Seriously, I love the girl.
Happy dating!
*Comments turned off so you can go leave a comment on Sara's blog instead :)