
December 29, 2014

Year In Review 2014 // The Annual Link-Up

Well, folks, it's here! My annual Year in Review link-up. 2014 was definitely one for the books!

As I look back through my year, all these pictures and words, I realize how incredibly blessed and happy this year has been. I have a full life with lots of wonderful people that make me happy, and I'm surrounded by beauty if I just take one second to see it.

That's not to say that this year hasn't been hard, because it has been. In a lot of ways, this has been an incredibly hard year. I've done a lot of changing, and that involves lots of fighting. Fighting to change things about myself that I don't like. Fighting to become the type of person I want to be. Fighting with personal demons and family demons and the dark and ugly things that happen in this world. In some ways, it has felt like a very long and very hard year.

But ultimately, it's been a very good one.

And so, without further ado, I present my year in review! I chose to do categories this year, instead of regular month-by-month lookbacks. All these are clickable links. (LINK-UP AT BOTTOM OF POST)



Claire's monthly updates (1 month, 2, 3, 4, and 5)



my decision to not be a full-time teacher next year (to date one of my most popular posts)
on beauty, and my postpartum body (another all-time most popular post)


Now it's your turn! Link up any and all year in review posts below! Yours doesn't have to look like mine at all to join :)

The rules:
1. Link up a year in review post
2. Provide a text link back to my blog in your post (example: I'm linking this post up with Brooke at Silver Lining)
3. Comment on at least two other blogs who have linked up

That's it! Happy linking, and happy new year! Thank you so much for reading along with me and my family this year.


  1. Thank you for sharing this, Brooke! I enjoyed reading your post about the man at Costco! I thankfully haven't had to deal with people giving unsolicited advice and agree with you that us mom's know best for our babies and families and will seek advice when needed. Looking forward to reading more!

    1. Thank you so much Megan! Yeah, that day was rough. Moms are already so sensitive about their choices because they affect a tiny human being that we're in charge of. Luckily it was only one man, one day, and I'm over it now (mostly haha). Thanks for the comment!

  2. My post on becoming part-time is still one of my favorites...although my decision for next year has switched to being a SAHM!

    1. I love that you're reevaluating if something doesn't work for you and making changes for the better. We got this!

  3. Oh, Mrs Emery, because that's who you'll always be to us... You are such a breath of fresh air! I read all your posts and even went back to the beginning because I didn't want to miss a thing! You have impacted my son and myself, and I'll forever be indebted to you! I read so many of your posts and think, "I can relate to that!"-- although I'm old enough to be your mom! And that reminds me... Your posts concerning your angel mom are so tender to me, as my sweet angel mom is no doubt hanging out from time to time with yours! Keep writing! (((HUGS)))

    1. Kim! Thank you so so much! I love Kade, and I hope he's doing great! Thanks so much for reading my blog and following along. Best wishes to you in 2015!

  4. i love the category idea. i didn't do any links in my post from today. i might do another posts about my favorite posts of the year with links. i feel like i need to go back and read all your posts:)

    1. The thing about links is that it takes forever to add them all. But once they're done, it's worth it. Link up your links too if you end up doing one of those! :)

  5. I've loved following along with your blog this year! Claire is so beautiful and makes me a little baby crazy every time there's a new post about her. ;) I hope your adorable family has a wonderful new year! :)

    1. You are so sweet, Leah. Thank you! Best wishes to you guys too for 2015!

  6. oh my gosh!! you had an adorable baby! i am just getting back into blogging again and had to see how you are doing. so fun to see your quick year in review!

    i hope this next one is a great one!

  7. What an amazing year you've had! Congratulations on the birth of Baby Claire! Can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for you. :)

    xo Caitlin

    1. Thanks Caitlin :) It will be hard to top 2014!

  8. I've loved watching your year and that adorable little girl grow!

    1. Thank you so much Erin. I'm excited for your little growing family this year!

  9. I love how you set up your year in review. As a newish reader it was so fun to get to know you better. Thanks for the link up!

  10. I love the categories idea! And what a great year with the birth of Baby Claire!
