
February 4, 2015

a sunny afternoon in Gilbert

These pictures are the last of the pictures from last week's Arizona trip. After church with Sam's aunt and uncle (which was actually two hours of sitting in the mother's room desperately trying to get my overtired baby to sleep), we stopped at the Gilbert temple. The gates around the temple were closed, but we still got to see it and feel its peace. Talk about a beautiful building! Plus it was a gorgeous 75-degree afternoon, so we couldn't say no to a walk outside.

 ^^We don't know what's happening in this picture, but it just goes to show that even her weird faces are cute. Hashtag obsessed parents.

 ^^ She always always always wants us to help her walk around. Now we know who to thank when we all have back problems in five years.
 ^^ Some of the people and things I love the most are in this picture (Jason was just barely out of the frame for this one, but I'm including him too)

 ^^ There was nobody to take our picture, so this is our best self timer attempt. I sure love these people!

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