
April 17, 2015

afternoon at the antique store

Yesterday afternoon, the kiddos and I took advantage of the beautiful weather and walked to an antique store. Of course when I say "the kiddos," I mean Claire, who is my actual kiddo, and Jason, who is technically not my kiddo, but he might as well be. Especially Claire, who thinks Jason was created for the sole purpose of playing with her all day every day. Seriously. This morning, as Claire was pulling herself up on Jason's leg during breakfast, he said, "Claire's kind of like my dog. She just follows me wherever I go." Truth! She is one attached little lady.

We took advantage of the beautiful afternoon to walk to an antique store we live near. I drive past that store almost every day, but I hadn't ever been inside it (actually, I've been there once, a long time ago, but I hardly remember it). I don't know what took me so long, but now that I've rediscovered this place, it will take a lot of willpower not to go back every day. Every corner is filled with all sorts of delightful, pretty things. It's the kind of store you can get lost in, and wander out hours later with your hands full of all sorts of delightful treasures. Check out their Facebook page here, and then go visit! This isn't a sponsored post. I just know you won't be disappointed :)

Gorgeous finds, right? Ah, I love it.

And then I went off tutoring, where a student asked me, "What's mating?" Haha! Never a dull moment in the teaching profession, let me tell ya!

Happy weekend!
And if antiquing is a hobby of yours, tell me your secrets!
Best places to find things?
How do you tell if something is valuable or just old?


  1. I love to go to antique stores. One of my favorite things to do.

  2. I've been wanting to get more into it! What a fun hobby it would be. Thanks Christina!

  3. Haha right? Babies and pets. They both just eat, sleep, and poop, and somehow we think it's the cutest thing on the planet :)

  4. I know - I can hardly believe it! They weren't joking when they said the first year races by. Thanks Carly!

  5. Beautiful pictures! Looks like a great day!
