
August 6, 2015


Four years ago, I woke up early. I walked through my parent's quiet house and looked at all the carefully ironed shirts lined up in a row, all the suitcases in hallways from people who had come to be with us. I didn't feel a single trace of the wedding nerves or jitters. I only felt so so excited. My aunt helped me curl my hair. I clasped my mother's pearl necklace on at the base of my neck.

Sam woke up at our new apartment, where he'd been sleeping for the past two days. He had the wedding day jitters. He walked through our empty apartment and pictured how it would look a week from now, when both of us lived there. He carefully shaved and put on his tuxedo.

I remember we called each other. "Um hi. Do you want to get married today?"

The rest of the day was honestly a blur. I remember the ceremony was beautiful and simple. I remember it was hot but not too hot. I remember my dad crying. I remember there was a little gap in the receiving line that night. Sam and I looked out at everybody sipping their Italian sodas and thought, "Everyone we love is here." We were so fortunate to share the day with our close friends and our family.

Thank goodness for great wedding photographers who help us remember the details of our day.

It was the best best best day.

A lot of marriage is work. A lot of it is easy. A lot of it is feeling like you're the perfect fit for each other. A lot of it is realizing just how different you are. A lot of it is wanting to be together always. A lot of it is appreciating your time apart. A lot of it is the easiest thing you've ever done. A lot of it is the hardest thing you've ever done. A lot of it is saying I'm sorry. A lot of it is laughter. A lot of it is tough. But all of it is love.

Happy four years, Sammy.
Here's to another four more. And then fourty more. And then eternity.

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