
August 26, 2015


A few days ago, my husband and I were cleaning the kitchen together. Okay fine, he was cleaning and I was sitting at the table eating otter pops. (No regrets.) He asked me what was up with the way I had been dressing lately.

"The way I've been dressing lately? What do you mean?"

"Why are you trying to be all business casual every day? You're like always wearing skirts and stuff."

The truth is, I've been wearing a lot of skirts lately. And dresses. I wish I could say that I'm trying to, you know, look nice and stuff. But the truth is way far from that. The real reason I'm wearing skirts and dresses lately is that IT'S JUST TOO HOT TO WEAR PANTS. I just can't. I literally can't even. It's too hot!

So for this month's outfit, I changed the shorts out for a skirt that had the same textured look as Julia's top. (Although her shorts do look pretty breathable and cool. I think if I had shorts like that I'd wear them all the time.) I loved all the neutral colors in this outfit though, and the mix between fancy and laid-back, so I tried to channel that in my take on it. 

THE ORIGINAL (via the lovely Gal Meets Glam)


 ^^Necklace c/o Happiness Boutique. I'm generally not a necklace person, but I have to say I love this one. It wasn't too expensive, it's gorgeous, and it automatically makes any outfit that much more classy.
 ^^A little break to see the cutest fashion accessory around.

You guys, can I just say that I am so much more comfortable behind the camera than in front of it? I think that's why I love this monthly challenge so much. It makes me step outside my comfort zone. Also, I get to pretend like I know anything about fashion once a month, and nobody can stop me! :)

Please please go show some love to all the fabulous ladies who joined me this month! It's so fun to see everyone's different styles and how different all these awesome outfits are even though they came from the same starter picture. 

Brooke at Silver Lining
Deidre at Deidre Emme
Jana at Bouvardian
Alexa at He and I
Aubrey at Aubrey Zaruba
Brooklyn at A Little Too Jolley
Ashley at Absolutely Ashley
Danica at Danakin Skywalker
Rachel at Rachel Sayumi
Sharlee at My New Lines
Kyla at FordOlogy
Kalyn at Geez Louise
Bonnie at Life of Bon

Interested in doing How We Wore It next month? 

Here's a little overview: If you sign up, I'll send you an email with an inspiration picture (next month's theme is back to school, and it's probably the easiest outfit I've ever chosen). Then, you use what's already in your closet to showcase your personal take on the outfit. Snap some pictures and then share them all on the same day (the last Wednesday of the month). It's easy and so fun to connect with new people.

I wish I could take everyone, but for now the best way to keep accountability and interaction optimized is to take 20 bloggers a month. So hurry and sign up, or you might have to wait until next month!

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