
June 23, 2016

out for ice cream (+ blog business)

These days, my very pregnant body has either really good days or really bad days.

A lot of days, I feel miserable and like I'm in labor (I'm not), and during those days my main activities are complaining (ha) and trying to find things for Claire to do while I lay on the couch. (God bless the inventors of stickers, play doh, and Daniel Tiger.) But some days, I wake up feeling fantastic and full of energy. I run around like a mad woman on those days - organizing the twins' room, installing car seats, taking Claire swimming, running errands, the works!

It's a weird weird life at the end of a twin pregnancy, I guess.

So sometimes, when you have one of those great days, you take your little family out for ice cream. Even though this was a 20 minute stop on the way home from a work function, it felt like a pretty big deal to us. And it was so nice to get out and relax for a few minutes together. Well, as relaxed as you can get with a toddler whose main purpose in life is to steal your ice cream or run away down the sidewalk. ;)

Looking forward on the blog:
+ Things will be slowing down here for a bit! I have one sponsored post left, and then I'll be taking maternity leave for most of July.
+ I will definitely post about the twins when they make their grand entrance, so get excited for that!
+ I've also formed partnerships with some of my very favorite baby brands, and I have some collaborations with them coming up as well. I'm really excited to share a huge baby gear giveaway with you.
+ Most of my daily updates will be on Instagram and Snapchat for the next little while (I'm @brookejanette on both). Follow along for glimpses of all the sleepless nights and baby cuddles!

P.S. Both my babies have been breech for three months now, so unless they turn at the last second, it looks like I'm headed for a C-Section. C-section mamas, what advice do you have? I'm a bit nervous for it (and definitely nervous about recovering from surgery while simultaneously taking care of two infants). Tell me everything!

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