
September 8, 2016

take that, cabin fever

There comes a point in the Emery household where we finally stop fighting against the weather and just go outside anyway. After months spent either inside or in the pool, we start getting antsy for parks, zoo trips, and outdoor playdates in general. Even a trip to the mailbox sounds nice! Or a leisurely walk in from the car! Anything to feel sunshine on your face and breathe in fresh air! Usually, this point comes at about the beginning of September. AKA right now.

It was especially bad this year, 
because my overheated pregnant-with-twins self 
quarantined everyone inside earlier than usual.

Unfortunately, in Arizona, it doesn't start cooling down until October. Which makes September an epic battle between high temperatures and cabin fever. But when our cabin fever gets bad enough, we accept that we're insane, and put on those sandals, baby, 'cause mama's goin' out!

This happened when we lived in Utah too, 
but it came in March, at the end of winter, 
and we were inside because it was too cold, not too hot. 
Except in cold climates you can't go swimming every day
like you can here. :)

So we go outside, and it's glorious! We utilize early mornings, late evenings, and splash pads to help us beat the heat. Plus, it hasn't been too bad this year, with highs of only 90 or 95. (Only 90 or 95. Ha! Told you we were crazy!)

We take walks around our complex:

^^Love this view of dad and the kids. 
^^This girl loves to run and explore and tell us about everything she sees.

Trips to the duck pond:

And lots of trips to the park:
^^Peeking in to check on the twins and I get rewarded with the sleep smiles. When he's not screaming in his car seat, Lincoln sure does have cute facial expressions. ;)
 ^^Extremely concerned about the sand between her fingers. We slipped a pack of these into our diaper bag last month, and they've been a staple ever since. We love that these JOHNSON'S® Cleansing Cloths are 2x bigger than a regular wipe and don't leave a sticky residue like other wipes do. I also use them for an "in-between" bath for the twins all the time.

^^Instead of saying higher, she says flier. "Flier, mommy! Flier! I flying! Flier!"

Anyone want to come outside with us next week? 
Let's be insane together. :)

Thank you to Socialstars and JOHNSON'S® Cleansing Cloths for sponsoring this post.  I’m sharing #JOHNSONS in my life as part of a JOHNSON'S® sponsored series for Socialstars.™Learn more by visiting their FacebookInstagram, or Twitter.

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