Silver Lining: scenes from a winter morning at home

December 16, 2016

scenes from a winter morning at home

We're just finishing the first week of Sam's winter break, and we have absolutely nothing to show for it.

Part of this has been our glorious laziness: apparently since our schedule is different, I've given up on being productive at all. We sit around and play. We walk to the park. We use restaurant gift cards we've accumulated over the past few years when we don't want to actually make dinner. We snuggle on the couch and watch Netflix when the kids have gone to bed. This slowing down and setting our own pace has been so drastically different from this past semester and I love it.

We're also nursing colds over here though, so that's never fun. And we did have plans to try out new outdoor trails and get together with friends that we've had to put on hold due to excessive coughing and low fevers. Hopefully we'll all be feeling better in the next few days when we travel for Christmas.

Here are a few glimpses of what's been happening around the house this week. Not shown: Zupas takeout for dinner, and finally sending out our Christmas cards, the one thing I've accomplished since Monday.

We've been dragging all the toys to the living room and rotating through them in the mornings.

The twins love to look at each other and chatter back and forth these days. It's so cute. And look at them trying to hold hands during tummy time in the picture below. 
Claire loves to decorate and redecorate this Christmas tree I made for her.

The tree is made from half a yard of the least fluffy fleece in the store, and the ornaments are all cut out from felt. This project took me 25 minutes and $4, so I consider it a major win.

Short sleeves and bare baby legs. Welcome to December in Arizona. :)

I just want to give a quick shout-out to these hand and face wipes (and the all-over wipes that we use all the time too). We use them every time we're out and about, and we love them. I first got them in partnership with JOHNSON’S®, who has been generous enough to sponsor my blog for the entire year.

In fact, there are lots of JOHNSON’S® products we use every single day around here. I'm not contractually obligated to say any of this specifically. I just wanted to give a shout out because we genuinely love these products. This detangler spray is light and clean and doesn't leave your toddler's hair greasy or stringy. This bedtime bubble bath smells unbelievably delicious and has been an all-time favorite, and this moisturizing cream is on daily use here at our house too (in fact, we bought a second bottle so we wouldn't have to keep moving the lotion back and forth between the kids' rooms).
She put her shoes on "all by self!" that day. Haha
You guys, I have got to do more arm exercises. My arms get tired after only a few minutes of carrying both these kiddos.

And now that we've had our down time, we're ready to kick these colds to the curb and party with family and friends for the holidays.

I’m sharing #JOHNSONS in my life as part of a JOHNSON'S® sponsored series for Socialstars.™Learn more by visiting their FacebookInstagram, or Twitter. Thank you for supporting the brands that support my family!

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